package org.microspace.table.column;
import org.microspace.annotation.IndexType;
* This class provides an easy lookup of primary keys that refer to a certain indexed column.
* @author Gaspar Sinai - {@literal}
* @version 2012-06-01
public class ColumnReferences<T> {
final IndexedMap<Object, IndexedSet<Object>> map;
final Getter<T> primaryKeyGetter;
final Getter<T> fieldGetter;
final IndexedSet<Object> nullKeySet;
public ColumnReferences (Getter<T> primaryKeyGetter, Getter<T> fieldGetter) {
this.primaryKeyGetter = primaryKeyGetter;
this.fieldGetter = fieldGetter;
map = new IndexedMap<Object, IndexedSet<Object>> (fieldGetter.getIndexType());
this.nullKeySet = new IndexedSet<Object> (this.primaryKeyGetter.getIndexType());
public void moveKey (Object key, Object oldFieldValue, Object newFieldValue) {
if (fieldGetter.isNull(oldFieldValue)) oldFieldValue = null;
if (fieldGetter.isNull(newFieldValue)) newFieldValue = null;
if (isSameObject (fieldGetter.getIndexType(), oldFieldValue, newFieldValue)) return;
IndexedSet<Object> oldMatches = (oldFieldValue == null) ? null : map.get (oldFieldValue);
if (newFieldValue != null) {
IndexedSet<Object> newMatches = map.get (newFieldValue);
if (newMatches == null) {
newMatches = new IndexedSet<Object> (this.primaryKeyGetter.getIndexType());
map.put (newFieldValue, newMatches);
if (newMatches == oldMatches) return;
if (oldMatches != null) {
oldMatches.remove (key);
} else if (oldMatches != null) {
oldMatches.remove (key);
public IndexedSet<Object> getMatchingKeys(Object fieldValue) {
IndexedSet<Object> ret = map.get (fieldValue);
return ret == null ? nullKeySet : ret;
public int size (Object fieldValue) {
IndexedSet<Object> ret = map.get (fieldValue);
return ret == null ? 0 : ret.size();
private boolean isSameObject (IndexType type, Object o0, Object o1) {
if (o0 == o1) return true;
if (o0 == null || o1 == null) return false;
switch (type){
case SORTED:
return ((Comparable<Object>)o0).compareTo((Comparable<Object>)o1) == 0;
case HASHED:
return o0.equals (o1);
public Getter<T> getPrimaryKeyGetter() {
return primaryKeyGetter;
public Getter<T> getFieldGetter() {
return fieldGetter;