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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description Accessor<T> This interface represents a list of the indexed get/set pairs.AccessorCache AccessorCache is caching accessors in a thread.AccessorGenerator The fields of the Space classes can be accessed using the accessor returned by AccessorGenerator.AddRecord This Record is used when data is replicated.AntlrSimpleSqlBaseListener This class provides an empty implementation ofAntlrSimpleSqlListener
, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.AntlrSimpleSqlLexer AntlrSimpleSqlListener This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced byAntlrSimpleSqlParser
.AntlrSimpleSqlParser AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Boolean_literal_listContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Boolean_literalContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Column_bool_columnContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Column_bool_primaryContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Column_in_expressionContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Column_listContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Column_nameContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Column_sort_listContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Column_sort_nameContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.ExpressionContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Literal_listContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Literal_valueContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Number_literal_listContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Number_literalContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Order_clauseContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Relational_opContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Rownum_bool_primaryContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Rownum_expressionContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Select_expression_andContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Select_expression_atomContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Select_expression_listContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Select_expressionContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Select_statementContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.String_literal_listContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.String_literalContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Table_nameContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Top_selectContext AntlrSimpleSqlParser.Where_clauseContext AppendingObjectOutputStream An output stream that does not send header for the stream.AtomicBigInteger An atomic counter.AutoTimeStamped BackedSpace A cluster or file backed MicroSpace.BackupSpaceException A BackupSpace exception is thrown if the operation is not allowed inBACKUP
mode.ChainableFailoverMicroSpace A failover space that can be chained.ClusterMessageReceiver Cluster replicated spaces use this interface to receive events from the cluster.ClusterReplicator Replicate messages across the cluster.ClusterTransport A generic ClusterTransport.ClusterTransportGenerator Create a Transport for FailoverMicroSpace.ColumnReferences<T> This class provides an easy lookup of primary keys that refer to a certain indexed column.ContextId ContextId can be used to create threads within threads and having another transaction.ContextSwitch<T extends I,I> A class which can invoke methods of a class in a separate thread assigned by a contextId.Contextual Contextual classes can have more than one context per thread.ControlledFailoverMicroSpace A failover microspace with local failover control.CurrentTimeProvider DataModelRecord This Record is used when data is replicated.Economical Economical methods to prevent memory pile-up.Entry<T> A tracker object used by Tables.EntryComparator<T> Generic Comparator of Entry objects.EntryComparator.Type EntryListener<T> Evaluator EvaluatorBaseListener This class provides an empty implementation ofEvaluatorListener
, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.EvaluatorBuilder Build an Evaluator.EvaluatorFormat EvaluatorLexer EvaluatorListener This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced byEvaluatorParser
.EvaluatorParser EvaluatorParser.Expression_atomContext EvaluatorParser.Expression_listContext EvaluatorParser.Expression_plus_minusContext EvaluatorParser.Expression_times_slashContext EvaluatorParser.ExpressionContext EvaluatorParser.Number_literalContext EvaluatorParser.Plus_minusContext EvaluatorParser.Times_slashContext Expression The base expressionExpression<T> ExpressionAnd<T> ExpressionAtom A literal expression.ExpressionAtom.Operator ExpressionBoolean<T> ExpressionBooleanColumn<T> ExpressionEvaluatorLexer ExpressionIn<T> ExpressionLiteral A literal expression.ExpressionOr<T> ExpressionVariable A literal expression.Failover A Demo application that uses JGroups to show how failover could be done.FailoverMicroSpace A MicroSpace that has failover built-in.FailoverState FailoverState describes the state of the FailoverMicroSpace.FailoverStateListener A listener interface for failove state changes.FieldBasedAccessor<T> A simple object that has only fields can be accessed by this Class.FieldBasedAccessorGenerator An accessor generator based upon fields.FieldBasedGetterSetter<T> SetterGetter based upon fields.FileReplicator Save updates into file, and use that file for recovery.GetSetPair<T> Get-set pair for a POJO.Getter<T> This interface is used to access a field of an object.GigaSpaceAccessor<T> This class is only provided as a proof of concept, and to test existing code.GigaSpaceAccessorGenerator Accessor generator for GigaSpace classes.GigaSpaceNullValueExtractor Null value extractor for GigaSpace classes.HeaderRecord This record will sync old Space classes with new ones during file recovery.IllegalOperationException This exception is called when an illegal operation was made.IncomingQueue<T> A thread based queue of incoming messages.Indexed This annotation is used on getter methods to indicate that the field is indexed.IndexedMap<K,V> IndexedSet<T> A set of field values.IndexType The IndexType specifies how a field is indexed.InitializationException This exception may occur during initialization.InnerSelectContext<T> Isolator<T> A front map that can be used as a transaction map.Isolator.State IsolatorContext<T> IsolatorContext can be used to create threads within threads and having another transaction.JGroupsFailoverManager Failover manager based upon JGroups.JGroupsNodeAddress NodeAddress based upon JGroups.JGroupsTransport A ClusterTransport based upon JGroups.JGroupsTransportGenerator JGroups ClusterTransportGenerator.JvmAddress Address for Jvm Based Transports.JvmCluster Cluster for Jvm Based Transports.JvmTransport Jvm based Transport.JvmTransportGenerator ClusterTransportGenerator for Jvm Based Transports.LiteralValueType The type of the literal value.LockableTransactional A lockable transacitonal can perform a lock before executing the commit.LockException This exception can occur during concurrent modification during commit.MatchAllQuery<T> This Query matches everything.MergeMap<T> MethodBasedGetter<T> Method based getter.MethodBasedSetter<T> Method based Setter.MethodUtils Utility Class to scan methods.MicroLogger Provide varargs functionality for org.apache.log4j.Logger, so that lightweight logging is possible and toString is called only when the object is logged.MicroSpace MicroSpace can store Objects into Tables defined by their Class.MicroSpaceAccessor<T> This ia a method based accessor.MicroSpaceAccessorGenerator This is a method based accessor generator.MicroSpaceDelegator A delegator that delegates all methods to MicroSpace.MicroSpaceNullValueExtractor Used by primitive types.MicroSpaceSystem A MicroSpaceSystem is a set of Spaces communicating inside a single JVM.MicroSpaceThreadFactory MultiFilteredQueue<T> A queue that supports multiple filters.NodeAddress An abstraction of the NodeAddress.NodeInformation NodeInformation to determine which cluster member is the oldest.NotifyingTable<T> Same as normal table, but it can have listeners to notify data changes.NullValue Annotation on getters that return a primitive - which dont have a null value.NullValueExtractor An interface to handle primitive types null value.ObjectContainer<OB> OperatorType The type of the operator.PartitionId This annotation specifies the field that determines which thread will execute the TakeHandler in TakeManager.PojoUtil Utility for POJOs.QueueIsolator<T> A front isolator for the queus.Record This Record is used when data is replicated.Record.Type RecordData This Record is used when data is replicated.RecordMap This Record is used when data is replicated.RecoveryRequest This request is sent to PRIMARY FROM Backup.RemoveRecord This Record is used when data is replicated.RowNumSortExpression<T> Select<T> Setter<T> A Field or Method based getter.SharedSpace SharedSpace.Role SimpleFailoverMicroSpace A FailoverMicroSpace implementation.SimpleSpace SimpleSpace is a memory based implementation if MicroSpace.SimpleSqlBuilder<T> Build A Select Statement.SimpleSqlQuery<T> Query using simplified version of SQL.SimpleTable<T> Make a shallow copy of the object using the empty constructor and the getA setA getB setB methods.SimpleUnsafeTable<T> This map that can hold objects of a type for easy lookup using multiple keys.SingleFilteredQueue<T> A multi-threaded transactional queue with a single filter.SpaceConfig Space configuration.SpaceRecord Annotation on classes that are written into the space.SpaceRecordListener SqlFormat The Sql Format.StringBuilder A Smart StringBuilder.Table<T> A Table thtat can store a single class.TableListener<T> A functional interface to Table events.TableQuery<T> A Query Object that works on a single table.TakeHandler<M> This functional interface is executed in a single thread identified by {link ThreadId ThreadId} annotation in message.TakeManager<T> TakeHandler registers take Queries and Templates and hands them over to the takersTakeHandler
.TakeTask<T,M> The TakeTask is uniquely identified by the underlying message Thread id.TemplateQuery<T> A lightweight query.ThreadId This annotation specifies the field that determines which thread will execute the TakeHandler in TakeManager.Transactional A transactional property.TransactionalQueue<T> This file was copied from microspace.TransactionalTable<T> TransportException Thrown by the transport when an error occurs.UnannotatedAccessorGenerator This method returns a plain getSetAccessor without annotation parsing.UniqueId A UniqueId that is ideal for a primary key Index.UpdateCounter Count updates in a BigInteger in a single thread.Util Utility package for MicroSpace.